CDP produces boutique versions of standard ceramic materials. They are common oxides and carbides with the added benefit of the properties of diamond delivered at the nanoscale and locked into structures that cannot otherwise be created. CDP may be licensed to produce an affordable substitute for an existing product or to create augmented versions of what a company already provides. Using CDP this way can increase sales by providing access to new markets that were previously unreachable.
For example, imagine a diamond powder producer that uses explosives to shock graphite into very expensive polycrystalline diamond powder used in speciality abrasives applications. By licensing CDP, that producer may use their existing facilities to also manufacture a wide assortment of supplementary abrasive powders. Each product would have its own customizable abrasive characteristics across a vast spectrum of possible outcomes that are reproducible, under the licensee’s control and more sophisticated than a mere combination of hardness, size and friability – the structures are unique and exclusive to CDP.
Such a licensee could produce diamond-enhanced powders for less than ten times the cost of their main product as an affordable substitute to their diamond or as new products altogether. Although some may serve well as abrasives, the electrical nature of certain varieties of doped diamond that are produced by CDP enables entry into the microelectronics industry for applications that are not abrasives-related.
Furthermore, consider the $3B dollar per year ceramics additive manufacturing industry. This is another industry that a PCD powder producer could exploit to their advantage by licensing CDP. With their existing facilities, some affordable ingredients and in-house expertise, such a licensee could design specific formulations to create unique ceramic materials that compete in the additive manufacturing industry.
Licensing CDP = new products = new markets = more sales = higher company valuation