CDP can provide a competitive advantage to certain manufacturing companies that use abrasives or powdered ceramics for whatever the application due to the following features of our technology:
- Feasibility increases dramatically as the process is scaled up. Why? The same workforce is needed to drive production regardless of output. Bigger is more economical with CDP.
- Scaling up does not require the storage of large amounts of explosives at the production location, which lowers production costs and reduces the risk of accidents. By comparison, scaling up a traditional explosives-based diamond synthesis operation requires more explosives in direct proportion to diamond output. With CDP more is just as safe as less. For the competition more is more dangerous, riskier, and expensive.
- CDP provides an entirely new type of customization potential through formulation additives. For example, a client may know of a material that bonds with boron carbide and wishes to determine the effect of adding this to a CDP formulation that produces boron carbide upon detonation. A client could try adding boron carbide as well, or diamond powder, or a powdered metal alloy. With limitless choices available CDP can blaze a trail towards new products and patentable IP, which works in favor for the licensee, not their competition.
- CDP can affordably mass-produce abrasive powders with consistent physical properties from safe and non-toxic ingredients. Using inexpensive ingredients with consistent properties in a process that doesn’t change means the physical properties of CDP Abrasives will reliably be the same. Using CDP to affordably mass produce abrasives with consistent physical properties takes control away from competitors whose product possesses lower abrasive utility, is a little different with each batch and slightly contaminated with milling media.
- Particles produced with CDP have higher abrasive utility than competitors whose production model involves grinding down or milling larger synthetic particles, which unavoidably produces smoother less abrasive surfaces. CDP produces nano to small micron powders with excellent abrasive utility and friability – right out of the reaction with no need for further processing.
Licensing CDP to make abrasives at an existing operation will save money, increase safety, expand the product line, strengthen market position, introduce new products and possibly add valuable new IP to the assets column of the company’s balance sheet.
Licensing CDP = Lower Production Cost + New Unique Products = Competitive Advantage